Everything you need to know about dog jumpsuits | LÈ PUP

A dog jumpsuit, also referred to by many as a dog onesie, is our high-end fashion version of our LÈ PUP onesies. Much like a onesie, our jumpsuits are one seamless piece of clothing designed to look good and provide functional benefits for your pup. Our jumpsuits are unique, warm and beautiful, made from recycled wool or wool blends. They are water-repellent, which comes in handy if you’re based in the U.K. with our unpredictable weather! Whether you call it a onesie or a jumpsuit for dogs, it’s important to know when is the right time to dress your dog, how to dress your dog and the benefits of doing so. So lets jump right in!
When to dress your dog in a jumpsuit
Dog Jumpsuits are a great combination of warmth, comfort, and cuteness all in one glamorous package. This makes them perfect for both short and long walks in cold or unpredictable weather. They’re great for windy days, cool evenings, play dates with friends, fun days out, picnics in the park, early morning walks to name a few! Remember that sighthounds like Italian Greyhounds and whippets have very little fat and no undercoat, so they are far more likely to be cold than hot. They really feel the cold and appreciate the extra layer.
When not to dress your dog in a jumpsuit
- Avoid dressing your dog up in a thick jumpsuit to go to bed, dogs can overheat and some breeds more easily than others. Keep bedtime layers light - organic cotton is a much better option.
- During the hottest hours of the day in peak summer months. Always keep an eye on the weather and if it starts to heat up, slip the jumpsuit off and save it for when the temperature drops.
Having said that, there are many countries where the weather is so unpredictable, even in the Summer months. In those environments, you may wish to consider dressing your dog in a 100% organic cotton onesie. They are light, breathable and will provide your pup with the necessary protection from the elements if the weather turns. A thin cotton onesie or half-length jumper is the perfect layer for mild/warmer weather. They will also provide some level of protection from UV rays - although you should still always use appropriate sun cream in hot weather. Here is the sunmist-spray that we use on our dog and can recommend.
What are the signs that my dog is cold?
This will generally depend on a number of factors including breed, size, health & age. That said, there are a few signs to look out for, and being able to spot these signs is key to keeping your pup warm and healthy in the colder months.
- The first thing you may notice is your shaking. Dogs will tremble in an attempt to keep warm. This can also be a sign that they are nervous too, so it’s important to know your pup. If he/she is not a nervous dog then you know they are probably cold.
- The next thing to look out for is your pup bunching or scrunching up their bodies. When trying to conserve body heat, dogs may also pull their head down, put their tail between their legs and arch their backs.
- Lastly, look out for your pup standing on three paws. Three paws is warmer than four as they tuck their leg into their body to conserve heat. They may also shift from one paw to the other.
We have an Italian greyhound ourselves and we know first-hand just how cold sighthounds like Italian greyhounds and whippets can get. A warm whippet coat, onesie, jumpsuit or jumper can make all the difference.
What is a good Dog Jumpsuit
There are some things that you always want in a jumpsuit for dogs.
- You want your pup’s jumpsuit to be well-made, from high-quality materials. You want it to stand the test of time, a jumpsuit is for life, not just for Christmas!
- A jumpsuit should be naturally water-resistant or water-repellent.
- They should be able to keep your pup warm even in very cold conditions, a good jumpsuit needs to be functional as well as fashionable.
- Most importantly, one that fits!
Tips for choosing the best dog jumpsuit for your pup (and breed)
Get the jumpsuit tailored to fit perfectly. At LÈ PUP, we won’t make a jumpsuit without having all of the right measurements - that ensures a perfect fit, every time. Use our measuring guide to ensure you’re measuring your pup correctly and providing us with the information we need to make the perfect jumpsuit for your pup.
The second tip that we have for people when buying a dog jumpsuit is surrounding the pup’s age. Is the pup you’re buying for under 12 months old? Do they still have some growing left to do? If the answer is yes, then you may wish to buy a half-length jumper instead. That allows for maximum wear and prevents your pup from growing out of it too quickly. You may also want to consider buying a fleece, cotton or sweatshirt onesie with a little more ‘give’ in the fabric. A stretchy fabric can be worn by a growing pup for many more months than a dog jumpsuit made from wool.
If you have your heart set on a jumpsuit, we recommend waiting until your pup is fully grown to avoid your pup growing out of it within a matter of months.
How to put a jumpsuit on your dog
Putting a dog jumpsuit on a wriggly pup is not always easy. Luckily, we have the tips you need to dress your pup seamlessly. Here is a video of us putting a jumpsuit on our Italian greyhound, head first, then front legs, then back legs.